Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baked Shrimp With Feta

I think there's something wrong me me.  Instead of getting up from the dinner table and rolling my fatness to the couch to relax, I run to the computer with my camera so I can post the whole thing.

Not in a bragging way like, "Look at this bomb-ass dinner I just ate, suckas."
And not in a teasing way like, "Ha ha, look what I just ate and you didn't."
It's like, "Oh man, that meal was SO good.  I wish you could have been here.  Here's the recipe so you can have some too."

I didn't take any progress pictures of this.  I honestly didn't think I'd be very excited about it.  Well, that's not true. I was excited about all the ingredients except the main one.  Shrimp.  If you're new here, I don't do shrimp.  I want to, but I just can't get on board with that vein-y thing that pops in your mouth when you bite into one.

That being said, OH MY GOODNESS!!!  This was sooo good!  I made a green salad and  pasta to go with it.  I ate an entire half of a baguette to myself in attempt to sop up every last drop of liquid in the bottom of that dish.

The Dad told me to make sure I mention the fact that he added red pepper flakes to his.  He's lookin' out for ya in the spice department.  I didn't do a single thing to mine other than use a fork to lift every last noodle that was drenched in the goodness to my mouth.  Good stuff kids.  We also decided it would be a good base for mussels or clams.  Another one of those things I don't eat, but look forward to making for other people.

Anyhoo, I pinned the recipe from a blog I follow (Girl Cooks World) and put it on this week's menu.  I made one change, but I'll explain that at the end of the post.

Click here for the recipe.

Here's the finished dish:
(Instead of using 4 individual serving dishes for baking, I put everything in one large one.)

Here's dinner on The Dad's plate:

Here's dinner on mine:

Now go get that recipe, print it off, cook it up, and pretend like you're eating at my house.  :o)

P.S.  To elaborate on the one change I made, this morning I decided I had better do something with the tomatoes on my counter and on my plants before they were moldy and useless.  I roasted them in the oven with some olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh herbs.  350 for about an hour and a half.  I used the same amount as called for in the recipe, but used the roasted tomatoes instead.  The rest, I put in the freezer for later.  These can be used for a zillion different things and they're absolutely delicious.  So if you have a massive harvest and don't have the time or energy to do anything with them, this is a great, easy way to stash them away for later.

Here's what they look like before and after:

Go eat!


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