Thursday, October 13, 2011


After taking The Kid to school this morning, I dropped The Girl off with my brother-in-law, so she could play with her cousins, while I went to my 23-week doctor's appointment.  Appointment went good.  Baby and mamma are right where we're supposed to be. 

Then I got in my car to go pick up The Girl.  About a block and a half from the doctor's office, I was sitting in a line of traffic waiting for a red light.  Apparently the guy coming up behind me didn't notice that traffic was at a stand still.  He rammed into me at full speed, shoving my car into the car in front of me.  The guy who hit me had to back off of me.  The guy in front of me had to crawl off my hood.

Here's what I'm gonna go ahead and say is a totaled car:

In addition to the obvious, the trunk and one of the rear doors won't close.  I had it towed home and now get to wait for insurance to do it's thing.

The Dad came home early from work 'cause he was worried.  I felt fine, but after the adrenaline and shock wore off, the sore muscles started to kick in.  After the urging from The Dad, I went back to my doctor to reassure him that The Baby was okay.  Everything's fine, other than the fact that I now feel like I was run over by a truck.  I got a couple prescriptions filled that are okay for baby, but most likely won't take them. I'm not a big fan of pills that effect my head.  So Tylenol will most likely be my best friend in the next day or two.  I can tell already that tomorrow morning is gonna hurt.

I guess this means the Swagger Wagon hunt has officially started.


  1. Mindy!!! Oh no!! So scary. So glad to hear you and baby are okay!! Thank God

  2. Oh, that sounds scary! You should take it easy this weekend; just rest. Your husband was right to make you go back to the doctor. I'm glad you and the baby are OK. Now go rest...NO COOKING!

  3. You definitely need to take it easy. Glad to hear that you and baby are okay. Now seriously...take it easy for a few days!

  4. Oh no! I'm glad you and baby are ok. Get some rest and no more cleaning!

  5. oh my gosh!!! Wow! That is so scary!! So glad you and baby are ok! Hope you have a restful day!

  6. Bless your glad you and baby are ok...
    sore....but ok.:)

  7. Holy crap. I am so glad that you and baby are okay, obviously. I can't help but think of what passersby were thinking as you halted the towing to take photos. lol I hope you feel better soon, that's crappy. :(

  8. Holy s*$%# Mindy! This is awful. I'm so glad you and baby are okay but sorry you're sore. What a bummer. Time for a new car though. Methinks you're going to be needing a mini-van.

  9. Cars can be replace; my first born can't. I'm SO glad you're okay, Min. Mama loves you!!

  10. Well dang, "replaced"!! :-)

  11. Oh my goodness!!! I am so glad you are okay! My Mom got into 2, yes 2, accidents while pregnant with my little brother. Neither were really bad though. Rest up on the couch and take it easy for a day or two!


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