Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Computer Cubby Makeover

Man, does it feel good to cross something off the list.  When we did the board and batten and repainted the walls in the master bedroom, the mini "office" area was left to finish last.  Well you know what that means.  It never got done. 

Until now.  Woohoo! 


Remember what it looked like when I hung the old window cork board?
I was over it.
I woke up one Saturday and just started pullin' stuff down off the walls.  

I got the wall under the chair rail painted white like the rest of the bedroom.
My plan was to paint the walls the same green as the rest of the room, but when I pulled out the paint can, I remembered I had used most of what was remaining to paint Baby's crib.
Since I'm lazy and poor, there was no way I was getting dressed to make a Home Depot run, so I dug through the garage to see what other color I could use.
I went with the master bathroom color.

I knew I wanted to put some shelves up, so I dug through the garage to see what I could come up with.
We had some crappy pieces of press board that were the right depth, but I didn't think they'd paint very well.

I brainstormed a bit and decided to cover them.
Again, I didn't want to have to leave the house, so I dug through my wrapping paper stash.
I had a roll from the Dollar Store that's like butcher paper with a white floral design.
It won over Happy Father's Day and Micky Mouse birthday paper.
I just cut it to fit around the board and used spray adhesive to attach it.

I had The Dad cut me four pieces of leftover chair rail to use as the wall mounts.

He felt it necessary to point out the fact that my boards are bowed.
I told him to read the sign.

 Once the shelves were up came the fun part.
Shopping the house.

I reused the frame I had made with the corkboard in it, but gave it a coat of white spray paint.

I made the upholstered numbers when I redid the bedroom.

I used baskets and other random containers to corral stuff that isn't pretty to look at.

 I kept the tray on the desk that I had painted before, but lined it with the same wrapping paper I used on the shelves, and switched out the stuff on it.

I framed one of my flower pictures and hung a vase my sister had given me forever ago.

 Gave the wall cubby, that had been stashed in the attic, a fresh coat of paint.

The softball is from my 1987 Little League team.
It's signed by all the girls I played with.

The rest is just odds and ends I scrounged up.

So there ya have it.
The board and batten is done.
The wall paint is done.
My computer space is done.
And I didn't spend a penny.
Onto the next project.


  1. Love your little work cubby, it's gorgeous! Right now my kitchen is my office, but we finally finished the tile flooring and painted the paneling. And bonus, Husband and I created a closet pantry. I'm so in love with it! *sigh* :)

  2. It loos great! What a BIG makeover for such a small space! Love it!

  3. Holy MOLY girl! Jeez! And you didn't spend a penny. You are amazing. Love it!

    The softball signed by the team. Seriously. You just kill me.

  4. So clever and thrifty--I love this new look for your computer space! Love the shades of green--so fresh and pretty.

  5. Wow- You did a wonderful job on your computer nook. It looks fresh, pretty and functional! The cost wasn't bad either!;>) xo Diana

  6. Fabulous. I love your style and love even more that it was done so frugally. Gorgeous.

  7. I love your office cubby :) I had to come check this post out again because I am in the middle of trying to decorate my new office space!


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