Oh my lord, it's my worst nightmare! I can't post pictures!!!
I was just trying to upload pictures for a new post and I got this message:
"Whoops! You're out of space. You are currently using 100% of your 1 GB quota for photos. Upgrade storage
are stored in your Picasa Web Albums account and are included in your 1
GB free quota for photos. Additional storage you purchase is shared
between several Google products and is in addition to your free quota. Learn more"
Please tell me I don't have to pay a monthly fee to put pictures on my blog.
Anyone else dealt with this?

The bad news is...yes...you have to pay to continue to post photos. Or delete all your 2011 posts and go to your Picasa account and delete all the 2011 photos to free up space. One way or another, Google is going to make some money off of us!
ReplyDeleteI didn't have this problem (yet), but I read about it on other blogs. At some point, all bloggers ran out of storing space and will have to pay.
ReplyDeleteBeth wrote that it's possible to delete some pictures from your Picasa account to free up space. I would like to do that as I uploaded many pictures that I never actually used in posts afterwards. I just don't know how to access my Picasa account.
I have read about this several times I don't use Picasa but I don't know if that makes me safe or not- Good luck- xo Diana
ReplyDeleteThis happened to me just over a year after posting on my family blog. I pay just $5 a year to Google for storage and it has been plenty. I believe that price is well worth it to have a place to host all my stories and photos and be able to share them with family and friends all over the world.
ReplyDeleteKaryn over at Pint Sized Baker said that if you post your photos to Google+ as an album shared with family but marked private, you can use the URLs in your posts and it doesn't count for storage! Make sure all your photos are resized to max 600-640 pixels wide and delete any that you have in picasa that you aren't going to use (like, you uploaded them to blogger but never posted the post). Google has been on a rampage this week - I've heard from at least 10 people who got that same note.
ReplyDeleteI am on Wordpress, but same thing happened to me. It was a couple of years ago and I had to decide whether or not I was willing to pay to blog. I did, and I am glad. It was the first time I realized how much I really enjoy blogging, because the thought of stopping or doing it without pictures was really sad. So I upgraded.
ReplyDeleteMindy, same thing happened to me a few months ago...I decided to cough up the dough because I didn't want to delete any photos. I figure there are more expensive hobbies I could have...at least that's my excuse. :)
ReplyDeleteYes. You will have to pay. I think the fee is minor.
ReplyDeleteYup. :( Just happened to me, and I paid rather than risk losing photos. Good news is it isn't expensive.
ReplyDeleteWhat?! How stuuupid. I think this actually happened to me a year or so ago but I cant remember bc I am drinking wine right now haha! But I still think this sucks regardless