Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Rhubarb Nut Bread

I saw this recipe on Food Gawker and knew it must be mine.  It's from a blog called The Alchemist.  Once I headed over to get the recipe, I was compelled to browse around.  I am now a stalker follower.  Her photos make me want to eat everything she makes.  This recipe did not disappoint.  It was all kinds of good.  I made it last night after dinner.  It made two loaves and The Dad and I finished off  about two-thirds of one straight out of the oven.  It is so stinkin' good.

The rhubarb cake that I posted the recipe for is my all time favorite rhubarb recipe in the world.  This is now a very close second.

Click here for the recipe.  You can thank me later.

Here it is coming together at my house:

You can't tell me you don't want to lick this beater.

How 'bout now?

My mouth was salivating at this point.

Ready to go in the oven.

Look at this topping!

The only bad part about this bread, was waiting the 50 minutes it took to bake.

And finally on my plate.

Which is kinda funny because there was no plate usage last night.
We were tearing off chunks and shoveling it into our mouths. 
Which is exactly what I'm going to go do right now.
I have a whole second loaf to tear into.......


  1. Yes I want to lick the batter!! Thats my favorite part about baking :) This sounds AMAZING!! And if you are stalking I am checking it out too!

  2. Mmmmmm. I always joke with my husband asking if he wants to lick the beaters because he thinks I'm crazy, lol. We always grew up eating the batter but I guess he didn't. Poor guy is missing out. This bread looks tasty. Is it tart because of the rhubarb?

  3. I've never tried rhubards. Never had a desire until now. I love just about any kind of nut bread and this looks delicious.

  4. I'm so glad you liked the bread! And thank you so much for letting me know you enjoyed it. I appreciate it!

  5. Yea, another rhubarb recipe! I have so many large plants (8), the size of an oversized easy chair, and am always looking for more recipes. I have a good cake recipe, too. All your recipes look yummy. Nancy

  6. Wow, 8 plants!? That's a lot of rhubarb!!! This bread was so yummy.
    Here's my favorite rhubarb recipe of all time:
    It's, make you cry, good. :o)

  7. OK, Mindy, you've won be over- I'm trying this bread the first chance I get. :-)


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