Saturday, February 18, 2012

Signs Of Spring

Looking out the windows, the garden is still a completely barren landscape.  BUT, upon closer inspection, the signs of life are starting to appear!







And so it begins....


  1. Ooooh, what a cheery post. Thanks for the lift.

  2. What a beautiful yard you must have! Your photos are gorgeous!! Can you please come and spruce up my yard?!?! I'll watch Laney!! :-)

    1. Ha! You've gotta take the other two as well! :o)
      The poor thing doesn't know what she's in for. Soon are the days of bundling her up and hauling her outside to work in the yard. :o)

  3. Well aren't you lucky! I do expect an early spring here but not quite this early! Any kind of color besides white would make me happy!
    Thanks for coming by my blog!

  4. Things are looking good Mindy! Primroses are just like a box of crayons that exploded in the garden. Those bright colors are just what we need at this time of the year. And that is one huge, beautiful hellebore plant! I bought most of mine last year so they are much smaller, but still so lovely at this time of the year. As you said, here we go! Enjoy your walks in the Spring garden with Laney.

  5. Your garden is always so beautiful--thank you for posting the pictures! I have hellebore blooming now, and forsythia and primroses, but the bulbs have been slow to bloom this year. I honestly think it didn't get cold enough in the dead of winter for some of them, but we'll see--I'm seeing crocus blooms, a few snowdrops, mini-iris, scilla right now--the early stuff!

  6. Stopping in of the Party. Your garden looks so wonderful. Thank you for sharing, please visit at:

    1. Thank you Clint! And thank you for taking the time to comment - I'll pop on over!

  7. Lots going on in your garden - primroses - such tough little work-horses! I love 'em.

  8. Hi Mindy,

    Your spring bulbs are stunning! I can't wait to join everyone once the weather here in the Northeast gets a little better. We have a few things peeking out of the soil, but not much. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Ah, Mindy you've instilled a bit of plant lust in me- I've got to find a hellebore that bright pink color, now! I have a white one and a bi-color mauvey one, but the blooms of that pink one just pop against the green- lovely!

    Thanks for sharing this at the TGP! I'm looking forward to seeing your garden grow. :-)


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