Thursday, September 20, 2012

September In The Garden

The food posts have been dominating lately.  I figured I'd better get some flower pics on here before they're gone for the year.

Here are the things that are still puttin' on a show:

That's all, folks.


  1. Beautiful September flowers, Mindy. I love the white chrysanthemum, and the red penstemon and the gorgeous purple morning glory!

  2. Gorgeous. I had to laugh at your cucumber mixed in there. My hubby would be running there first.

  3. Gorg girl. Was the first purple on the morning glory? The one that looks like the sun is going to come beaming out of it? Just gorgeous.

  4. I oohed and aahed my way all the way through your pix! Wish my cukes looked that good ;(

  5. Fabulous garden images. So beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  6. Goodness, what are you doing in your yard? My liatris were done long ago, my clematis all dried up and the sunflowers droopy. Gah. I need some flower tips from you! :)

  7. Beautiful! I like that looks like a bottle! I missed last weeks party so I'm visiting links from it. Your liatris is so pretty. I think those were done a while ago around here. Your morning glories are a pretty color! Mine are about done. It's gotten a bit cold and I don't think they like that!


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