I have a TON of photos to purge, and since I haven't been very consistent with posting lately, I figured I'd cram them all in while I'm sitting here.
First of all, we went to the beach.
We had not been since The Kid was two and The Girl had literally just turned one.
That was more than eight years ago.
Sad, but true.
We were there with a whole big group of people, and the kids had an absolute blast.
I'll shove the scenic photos in first.
It's all fun and games until someone, or two someones, get taken out by a wave and go in the water.
I don't know if you've ever been to the Oregon coast in December, but that @#$% is COLD.
And extremely dangerous.
They were getting yelled at the entire time I had the camera shoved in their faces.
Look at this poor little thing.
And he doesn't have enough meat on his bones to keep a maggot alive.
It's a wonder he didn't freeze to death.
The Girl was pretty wet, but she somehow managed to stay upright when the other two went down.
See that little one's face?
She's being scolded.
Thirty flippin' degrees and she's still wearing shorts.
She is her father's daughter.
Makes me cold just lookin' at 'em.
Anywho, it was a very fun trip and we need to make it happen more often.
Onto warmer things, let's take a look at the cat all snuggled in under a Christmas blankie, shall we?
What a tough life.
Yesterday, school got cancelled due to predicted snow.
Yes, I said predicted. They called it the night before, so we sat, staring out the window all morning, waiting.
It finally started in good around noon and the kids got their real snow day.
And it was the perfect opportunity to finally do the gingerbread houses that I've had in the attic for two years.
I took a ton of pictures of the kids, mainly because I haven't had them all together like this in quite awhile.
Humor me, I'll be grateful to have them down the road.
The best part of the whole activity, which took a solid couple hours, was that not a single person fought or argued the entire time.
It was a Christmas miracle.
Look at this face.
This is her, I'm being scolded right now, face.
Similar to the kids, no?
Okay, we're friends again.
More kid pics.
Ours turned out just like the picture on the box, don't you think?
He hates it when I have my camera out, but he's so dang cute, I can't help it.
Okay, onto Michael, Leroy and ham.
We've made quite the milestone here.
Leroy Jenkins Brown joins the family outside of our bedroom now.
He and Libby Lou aren't friends, per se, but he tolerates her now.
And he snuggles on the couch with us when she's around, so I'd say that's a win.
And now for a Snow Day follow up, school was cancelled again today.
The freezing rain came and everything is a sheet of ice.
So The Mom made a big ol' brunch for the fam.
Just like Norman Rockwell, no?
The Dad is full of fur from No Shave November still.
And he was home from work today for a doctor's appointment.
He finally went in and got "snipped", as Baby called it.
Only nine years after he first said he was going to do it.
I made a giant ham for dinner last night, and cheesy potatoes, so we had those again this morning
I added in scrambled eggs and an Eggnog Dutch Baby that was beyond delicious.
I'm thinkin' we may need a repeat for dinner tonight.
For the Dutch Baby, I omitted the berries from this recipe, then used 1/4 C of eggnog for some of the milk.
We put powdered sugar and warm cinnamon simple syrup up on top.
The recipe couldn't be easier and it's so dang good.
You should check it out.
It's been a long time since I took food pictures.
I sorta miss it.
Snarky smile regarding the camera.
This one will always pull a smile out for her mommy.
And there ya go.
The latest in our neck of the woods.

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