Anyhoo, last spring I was out working in the yard and one of my clematis was all gangly and sad looking. So I whacked it to the ground. (gasp) Do you know how many flowers it got last year because of it? One. I have no idea what I was thinking. Obviously I wasn't. Needless to say, this year, I left well enough alone.
I always save the tags from plants if I don't know what they are. Because I'm forgetful. I'll never forget that it's a clematis, but the name of it is long gone, as is the tag. So if anyone (Grace) knows which one this is, let me know and I'll write it down and put it in my stash.
Here it is in all it's, unwhacked, glory:
Note to self: Prune the clematis in the fall.
Update: Guess what I found in the shed today? The tag.
The name of this one is alpina Helsingborg.
Update: Guess what I found in the shed today? The tag.
The name of this one is alpina Helsingborg.

Wow. How old was your plant before you whacked it down? We have 5 clematis plants that are 2 years old this summer. Last year they did okay, but nothing like what you have coming. I'm tempted to whack them all down now, lol.
ReplyDeleteI have never seen a clematis like that. I love the color of it. Glad you found the tag...that was going to be my guess (haha). And, what kind of magic crystals did you put in your soil to make that thing so big and beautiful?
ReplyDeleteIt looks a lot like one called Rooguchi. Google that name and see if it looks right. Sometimes giving plants a whack promotes them to do better the next year! Looks like yours benefited just fine! It's very pretty!
ReplyDeleteJust gorgeous! I am a clematis freak--I have 16 growing in my garden! I'll leave a link in my name to a post where I have a couple of my favorites pictured so you can see them.
ReplyDeleteWhew! I'm glad you found the tag because there are several alpina/macropetala/armandi/cirrhosa/???? species that have small flowers and I was kinda confused by this one. She is a beaut though. Since it's an early spring bloomer, when you're ready to cut it back again, do it right after it finishes blooming. This way it will have the entire spring, summer and fall to re-grow and form flower buds for the following spring. (Liz says yours looks like 'Rooguchi' but not quite. R. blooms later and has more curvy petals. You can Google it.) Now don't lose that tag again! :)
ReplyDeletePurple is my favorite color and I'm in love with your clematis!!
ReplyDeleteGorgeous!! I'm hoping the one I lost last year to clematis wilt will bloom again this year, as it's growing again, miracle of miracles. :-) Thanks for sharing with us!
ReplyDeleteVery pretty photos of your clematis....