Monday, April 9, 2012

Pistachio Dessert aka The Next Best Thing To Robert Redford

First, a heads up to anyone who liked my Facebook page or sent me a friend request this past week.  I made some changes and you'll need to hit my like button again to update the feed.  The button is on my right side bar or you can click here to go directly to the page.

Onto the yummies.  This recipe came from my Dad's aunt and has been in rotation since I was a kid.  It's exactly the same as another recipe we call The Next Best Thing To Robert Redford, but that one uses chocolate pudding instead of pistachio.  I prefer The Next Best Thing To George Clooney, but whoever floats your boat may be inserted.

I was assigned dessert for Easter dinner and this was the first thing I thought of.  It's deeeeelicious and the perfect color for spring.

Here's the recipe:

Pistachio Dessert aka The Next Best Thing To Robert Redford

1 C flour
1 stick of butter, softened
1/2 - 2/3 C chopped walnuts or pecans, plus more for garnish
8oz cream cheese, room temp
1 C powdered sugar
1 16oz tub Cool Whip, divided
2 - 3.4oz pkg instant pistachio pudding (you can use one each of chocolate and vanilla instead)

 Combine flour, butter and chopped nuts.

 Press into a 9x13 baking dish.  

Bake at 350 for 15 minutes.  

With mixer, cream together cream cheese and powdered sugar.  

Stir in 4 cups of cool whip.

 Spoon over cooled crust.

Mix pudding as directed on package and pour over cream cheese mixture immediately.  

Spread 1 1/2 cups of remaining cool whip over top.

 Let stand several hours or overnight.
Sprinkle with nuts.

Here's mine on my plate:

And now I'm kicking myself for leaving what was left at my sister's house.


  1. oooh, this sounds yummy, I love pistachio things

    Mal @ The Chic Geek

  2. I love pistachio too and this is a great dessert. Sometimes you don't want to fuss with pie or cake but still want a nice presentation. This looks great and yes, go to your sister's and get that dessert back. (who are we kidding, she's already eaten it, hasn't she).

  3. Hi Mindy. Yes we have this recipe and it is a winner. We've used butterscotch pudding several times too. It is so dang delicious. George, YEAH! :)

  4. Hi Mindy, Mmmmmm! I'd forgotten about this dessert; haven't made it for some time but I need to put it back on my table! It is delicious and looks pretty too. Thanks for stopping by and introducing yourself. Have a wonderful week!

  5. NOOOOOOooo! i really didn't need to see this you know; since i'm on a diet an all. looks like RR better step on over. so good!

  6. i am going to pretend that i didn't see this... and not want to drive to the 24h shop to get the goodies to make it before bed... pistachio brings back bittersweet memories for me... :)

  7. i would love to try this! i know my dad would have loved it, and that's what made me come over and comment.

  8. Oh man, this caught my eye as one of the features on Jam Hands. It looks soooo good! I actually have all the ingredients on hand. Hmm....

  9. I finally got to make it, it is SO YUMMY!! I can hardly stop eating it!!! I might have to blog about it :-)

  10. Have been making this dessert for many years using 2 chocolate puddings my grandkids they love the chocolate ,but i like it with lemon pudding,try all of them it's a great dessert and easy.

  11. Love to try it! I think that pecan sandie cookies would be great for the bottom layer. I will let y'all know the outcome. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Well that sounds delicious! What a great idea. I'm gonna have to remember that. Let me know how it turns out!

  12. What kind of dessert it is actually I didn't try this dessert yet. But I want to eat that and I'll try it at my home after seeing your recipe. Also you can try baklava with pistachios as it is the best and yummiest dessert right now in this world.

  13. I’m a little confused on the whipped cream. How much in ounces do you add to the cream cheese and sugar? How much in ounces do you put over pudding?

  14. Hi there. Four cups get mixed into the filling and 1 1/2 cups get spread on top. Hope that helps!


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