This is the last week of school before a two-week break. God help me.
Baby hasn't napped more than 15 minutes at a time in three days. You would think the tradeoff for that nightmare would mean that she has slept through the night those three days. Buwahahahahahahah.
You would be wrong.
Anytime I'm sewing and have to turn a corner, I hear Ross in my head yelling, PIVOT.
If you would have told me that a handful of firemen would be on my doorstep and I would come to the door dressed in Christmas pajama bottoms and a wifebeater, I would have called you a liar.
Thank God I was wearing a bra.
The Girl: "Hey Mom, do you know who's sexy and they know it?" The Mom: "Um, no, I guess I don't. Who?" The Girl: "Santa Clause."
I hate dark grout with white tile. That trend needs to go away.
I haven't started my Christmas baking yet. I'm trying to narrow it down to three things so I don't have a repeat of last year. Do have any idea idea how hard that is for me?
My girlfriend posted on my FB wall that her husband just ordered six pounds of brie through work and it made her think of me.
I told her it was mean to tell me, considering she's not in the same city and I won't get any.
Remember that Christmas song that I hate? Guess what Christmas song The Girl loves and won't stop singing? Kill me now.
I'm turning 37 this month. Holy wow.
I think it's funny that these random posts get the most feedback.
You know what these posts need? More cow bell.
I won something. Winner winner, chicken dinner.
I've been reading the blog Spunky Junky since I first started reading blogs. She was doing a giveaway earlier this month of her favorite things. Guess who won? Yep, that would be me.
She has an Etsy shop that I'm familiar with, but didn't have any idea what to expect in the package. Um, I scored. Check it out:
I make notes and put them next to my computer anytime I think of something I want to put in one of these posts. I'm looking at one that says, 5 more minutes, in quotes.
I have NO clue what in the heck that means. Clearly I need to make better notes.
There's also one that says, Cuss a lotirl.
Ohhhhhhhhhh. I totally just got it. In Real Life. Duh.
Yes, I do. Cuss a lot in real life. I'm working on it.
My new neighbor, that I hadn't met yet, brought me veggies today. Butternut squash, leeks, a head of garlic, another little winter squash, parsnips and a stalk of broccoli.
You have no idea how happy that made me.
I made this crock pot recipe for dinner last night and it was delicious. I did something similar to this with the leftovers tonight and, again, delicious. Both are super easy and barely any work. FYI, I subbed black beans.
Once I get the kids to bed, my plan is to climb the pull-down stairs to the icy cold attic to wrap some presents. That means me, with a bathrobe over my clothes, (and by clothes I mean pajama pants, a long sleeved t-shirt, and an old lady sweater), a glass of red wine, and peace and quiet for the first time today.
I love these posts. When I read the title and know it's random thoughts, I get all giddy. I pour extra wine. Well okay, I would have poured the wine anyway. What are you saying? Super fun.
Random posts are favorites because they're real--there's no sprucing it up for the blog when it's the truth is there? And because of you next time I'm sewing a corner I'm going to hear Ross...PIVOT! Thanks...
How cute! You totally scored on the giveaway!!!
ReplyDeleteI love these posts. When I read the title and know it's random thoughts, I get all giddy. I pour extra wine. Well okay, I would have poured the wine anyway. What are you saying? Super fun.
ReplyDeleteRandom posts are favorites because they're real--there's no sprucing it up for the blog when it's the truth is there? And because of you next time I'm sewing a corner I'm going to hear Ross...PIVOT! Thanks...
ReplyDeleteAhhhh! You are too sweet! I am glad you got the package! muah~ Halz