For both of their sammies, I did a cream cheese and orange marmalade pumpkin sammie with the center cut out so you could see the orange. On The Girl's, I made a face out of olives at the last second. It's more creepy than cute. Should have left well enough alone. The Kid's had another sammie shaped like a man. For The Girl, I used a girl cutter on a fruit strip, then made hair out of shredded carrot, a shirt from cheese and drew on the face with edible marker. The Kid got carrot sticks, cheddar cheese circles with really bad pumpkin faces drawn on them and a pumpkin sugar cookie that we made and decorated yesterday. The Girl got jello for her treat and pear and cheese leaves around the rim.
Again, there will be no sharing of The Kid's ugly creation, but here's The Girl's lunch on her plate:
And just because it tasted so dang good to me today, here's a picture of my lunch.....bagel with cream cheese, fig jam and fresh sliced pears.
Man, was that ever good.

Yes, I agree that I like the sound of yours the best. Something about that pumpkin face creeps me out too. lol