Monday, October 24, 2011

Happy Birthday To You: A Kid Lunch

Today is The Girl's 4th birthday.  If you've been around for the last couple weeks, you know yesterday was Ladybug Party Day.  She had a blast.  I'll get pictures on here as soon as I get through them all. 

Today, The Kid is at school, The Dad is at work, so it's just she and I.  Since it seems to be just another Monday after all the hubbub yesterday, I decided to do a fun lunch for her. The first thing out of her mouth this morning was, "Is today my second birthday?  I want a butterfly birthday today."  Yeah well, a butterfly on her plate will have to suffice after the endless ladybug planning.

The butterfly is a PB&J sammie with sprinkles, strawberries and jack cheese.  Two more small sammie hearts, one with sprinkles.  More jack cheese and strawberries around the rim.  A cheese heart with a leftover ladybug and a molded heart and flower that I had made with leftover candy melts when I was making the Oreo Truffles.

Here's lunch on her plate:

 And what would a birthday lunch be without a birthday girl to eat it?

 Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. She's so cute! I love her smile in the third from last photo. The "second birthday" comment is funny! I told you she'd appreciate what you did for her. Now she wants you to do it again....Hahahaha.

  2. She is so cute!!!!! Happy birthday!!

  3. What a nice follow-up to her big birthday bash. Another awesome plate!!

  4. AW happy Birthday your beautiful little girl!! I cant wait to see pics of the lady bug party! Your lunch plates are really impressive

  5. this is fantastic id love one of these plates for my birthday :P

  6. Cute lunch!

    Have you shown pictures of that wine hutch to the right? I need to get a better look at that.


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