Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Apple Crisp Baked Brie

Remember the annual fall party I mentioned I'd be going to at my sister's this last weekend?  Ya know, the one with all the food.  The one where I said I'd be eating myself sick.  Yeah.  I went.  I saw.  I ate myself sick.  There was so much good food, that I'm gonna have to break it up into more than one post.  Seriously.  There was a lot of food.

I'll start with one of the appetizers I took.  Yes, I said one of them.  You should know me by now.  I'm excessive when it comes to food.

So I found this recipe on Pinterest.  Big surprise, eh?  It involves hot cheese.  I know, I know, completely out of character, right?  Ha.  It was as good as I wanted it to be.  I've pretty much decided that you can pile anything on top of brie, stick it in the oven, and it will come out tasting like heaven.

If you'd like to recreate this small piece of heaven at your house, you can go here for the recipe.

Here it is coming together at my house:

And baked and ready to dig in.
I brought along Ritz crackers for spreadin' on the goodness.

The cheese to apple topping ratio wasn't quite right, so next time I'd either cut the amount of "crisp" in half, or use the Costco sized round of brie.
Other than that, this had my name all over it.


  1. This was sooo good. I am definitely going to try my hand at it. Some day. :)

  2. Oh yum! This is what they serve in Heaven...

  3. Looks fabulous. And yes, the cheese to apple ratio is important, good to know the adjustment.

  4. OMG...I just gained a pound looking at it ..drool!

  5. OMG this looks fabulous! I found you via Kitchen Fun I'd love to have you join my PIN MEme Linky Party because this is very Pin Worthy! I'm going to pin it now and serve this at my holiday party this year! I'm now following you!

    Diana Rambles
    Bento Blog Network
    Link Rink

  6. Stop...that looks so good and if I had it right now, I'd enjoy it all by myself without sharing and then I'd sleep the afternoon away until it was time to pick up the kids. ;)

  7. My sister-in-law made this years ago and shared the same blog with me for the recipe. I tried to open it again and the blog is now restricted. You wouldn't happen to still have this recipe?


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