Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stool #6

A gal at The Dad's work asked me to make one of the stools for her.  She'll be giving it to her daughter as a first birthday present.  She requested green with giraffes on it.  So green with giraffes it shall be.

Here's stool number six:

One down, three to go......


  1. You are offically a crafting goddess! That stool is so stinkin' cute - enough said :)

  2. Tooooo cute!!!! I love it and I'm sure Madelynn will too. What a wonderful gift for a first birthday. One she'll have for many years.

  3. It's so cute! I love the colours.
    Great job:)

  4. Awww...gotta love the cuteness of it all! Well done!

  5. Seriously - that is so adorable. How did you do the giraffes on there? You should be selling these! Can you say etsy shop? I think you can.

  6. You should really think about an etsy shop for those stools. They are so cute and you and you are very artistic.

  7. Oh I LOVE it!! So stinking cute! Did you freehand those giraffes?? You are totally talented :)


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