Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Baby Belly: 38 Weeks

First of all, pardon the outfit and the poor photos.  I'm not movin' very fast today, so these are "come as you are" pics.  I wasn't even  planning on doing a last Baby Belly post, since I missed it last week, but I figure this is the last time anyone is gonna see Baby from this perspective.  Tomorrow we'll be taking pictures of a newborn.  Crazy to think the little critter will be out of there and in the world in a matter of hours.

Here's Baby at almost 39 weeks - the day before it's birth day:

Boy or Girl?!
Instead of going with gender neutral, I'm packing for both this time.
I'm taking jammies The Kid wore and some The Girl wore, as well as the blankets they both came home with.

Other than a few last minute chores around the house, I'm ready to go.
Now it's just hurry up and wait.
We check in at 10am and if all goes according to schedule, Baby will be here shortly after noon.

Thank you again to all who contributed name suggestions.
The list is packed in the hospital bag.
Also, thank you for all the well wishes for me and Baby in your comments and emails.
We can't wait to post the announcement!
Until then.....


  1. Sending you and baby good wishes and blessings!

  2. Good Luck honey! Can't wait to see that babe.

  3. How exciting! Good luck! Can't wait to see pictures and find out the name.

  4. Wishing you a safe and uneventful delivery, culminating in joy made manifest!

  5. Good luck; I`ll be thinking about you!


  6. Looking forward to newborn pictures. Those little clothes are SO CUTE! Good luck and don't forget to take care of mommy too :)

  7. Sending love & prayers your way!! So excited to see the new addition. :)

  8. Sending love & prayers your way!! So excited to see the new addition. :)

  9. Sending love & prayers your way!! So excited to see the new addition. :)

  10. Big hugs and I even just snuck in a little kiss to your cheek there. Ha ha,...suck it up. Best wishes for tomorrow. :)

  11. Thinking of you today - eagerly waiting to see pictures of your little one and the name you chose

  12. Hoping all is well for you guys!! Can't wait for the big reveal!!! Ahhh, so exciting!!

  13. Looks like your baby bump is the only weight you've gained. You'll back in your skinny jeans before you know it. I'm sending prayers for you and your family. Can't wait to see him/her. Hugs.


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