If you're new here, it's quite possible that you are unaware of my gardening obsession. 
 I may have a wee bit of a problem.  
From March through September, you can find me barefoot and in the dirt from dawn till dusk.  
Weather permitting, of course - it is Oregon after all.

You can click here for all my plant posts. 

And here for all my yard posts.


  1. Ok now I am super pumped about following along...I am a gardener and can totally relate to the obsession! Cheers!

  2. You know I am right here with you and your gardening obsession. It's easy to get hooked. That yard of yours is BEAUTIFUL!!!!

  3. That is so beautiful!! U shld do landscaping as a 2 nd job!!! BEAUTIFUL..THX FOR SHARING!

  4. Oh my goodness, this is my kind of gardening! I love lush gardens. We moved to a new house in Texas 2 years ago and are in the process of planting...starting from scratch. We are also in a serious drought so it requires thought and careful choices. It's fun though!!

  5. I share your gardening obsession Mindy! So glad to have found a like-minded soul in the blogosphere and one who happily shoots and shares photos of flowers, plants, and nature with passion!

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