Are ya ready Freddy? I took a lot of pictures, so I'll attempt to, mostly, keep my mouth shut.
As I mentioned in the
fabric covered shades post, nearly everything in the room was something we already owned or something I made. If it's new, I'll share where it came from, in case anyone is interested.
For starters, the biggest purchase was the rug. It's 9 x 7 and we got it at Ikea for $59 a couple weeks ago.
Come on in....
The changing table was given to us by a neighbor when I was pregnant with The Kid.
They had been using it as a plant stand outside.
It got a fresh coat of paint and is now on Baby #3.
The baskets are new, also from Ikea.
The rocking chair was given to my mom, by my dad, when I was born.
I painted it Heirloom White when I was pregnant with The Kid.
We gave it another once over after beating the heck out of it trying to get it out of the attic.
The seat cushion was something I already had that I recovered.
The back cushion is basically just a rectangle with some batting in between the two pieces of fabric.
I sewed some ribbon on for tying it to the chair.
I crocheted the blanket on the arm when I was pregnant with The Kid.
I had bought the polka dot fabric when I was working on the
Shared Room for the kids, and had a piece left over.
I ended up buying two more yards.
I used some for recovering the pillows that were already in the room.
I also used some to recover lampshades I already had.
I had the pom pom fringe in my stash.

The chandelier originally came out of my sister's house when they first bought it.
It was gold and nasty.
I painted it white and put it in the nursery when I was pregnant with The Kid.
This is it's third room in our house.
I recovered the shades I already had on it with more of the polka dot fabric.
The mini pom pom fringe came from Joann's.
Onto the crib.
We sanded it, primed it and painted it.
You should be proud of me.
I got out of my, paint everything white, comfort zone and went with my favorite color.
I love it.
The bumper, crib skirt and quilt are what I made, again, when I was pregnant with The Kid.
Okey dokey, onto the small stuff.
The walls and the shelves.
I didn't paint, other than touching up trim work and where I had filled nail holes and bunged up walls.
The blue is the color I painted when we first built the room for The Kid four years ago.
If you want to see the room when it was The Kid's room,
click here.
The white trees have also been there since the room was built.
My mom painted the tree on the changing table side of the room and I did the one behind the crib.
The shelf is a scrap of bamboo we had in the garage from another project I have yet to post.
The brackets came from a side of the road free pile.
I had the picture, rattles, highchair planter and mirror as well.
The side table is a plant stand with a slate tile on top.
The tile is different, but I had it in
The Girl's room before moving it here.
The silver dish was passed on at some point from my mom's house, the plant is from Ikea.
The washboard has been around since nursery #1.
The blue bird wall pocket is another hand me down from my mom.
The white birds I bought at a garage sale for nickels and spray painted them.
The Dad's mom sent me the clock wall pocket for Christmas.
On the opposite side of the room is a clock that was in
The Girl's room, a wall pocket I found at Goodwill years ago, and a picture my mom made me when The Kid was born.
There's also a picture that my MIL gave me when The Girl was born.
It's my stance that's crooked, not the picture. :o)
The closet takes up pretty much one whole wall, other than right behind the door.
And finally, the window seat wall.
I shopped the house to fill the shelves.
The tigers came from my sister when The Kid was a baby.
The rocking chair was a gift to The Girl from the neighbor.
The giraffe was The Kid's.
The white bird planter jumped in my basket at Joann's.
The pictures are from my mom.
She also made the nightlight for nursery #1.
The shade had a water stain on it - my fault - so I recovered it with a fabric scrap and some trim I had.
On the other side are more of The Kid's friends from my sister, Bean Baby and Pooh with
the poem my dad wrote about them, an arrangement I put together with my stash of fake stuff, and an elephant bank that was mine when I was a baby.
The shelf over the window is filled with things I pulled from around the house.
Phew, I think we made it.
So there ya go, the long awaited Baby room can finally be checked off the list.
With 6 days to spare. :o)
Please see my left side bar for links to all the places I party.