Thursday, April 19, 2012

Apple 'N Cheddar Tuna Sammies

The last meal plan I put together was deliberately done in an effort to use what we have.  Including fruit, lunch stuff, snacks for the kids, and a few other odds and ends, our nine dinners only cost $64 bucks.  And that includes meals large enough for The Dad to brown bag his lunch with leftovers every day.  Woot woot.  And no, we haven't been living off top ramen or boxed mac and cheese.  My freezer is always loaded with meat 'cause I buy family packs when it's on sale.  I also stock our pantry anytime essentials go on sale.  In the nearly 20 years I've been responsible for feeding myself, I've gotten pretty good at stretching a buck.  Now that there are five mouths to feed, (okay, technically it's still only four eating solid food), I have to be even more mindful of where the pennies go when I'm grocery shopping. 

I'm trying to remember what any of that has to do with this sandwich.  Ha!  I suppose my point is, there's no reason why families on an extremely tight budget can't eat healthy, home-cooked  food that tastes good.  I'm not saying it doesn't take more time and effort, but it's so much better for you and you teach your kids good eating habits without even trying.  They're gonna do what you do, whether you like it or not.

I seriously just sat down to share a recipe, not blab on and on, so let's get to it, shall we?

This recipe came off a printed ad for mayonnaise.  Go figure.  It sounded good, so I put it on the menu and made it for dinner last night.  I made just a few adjustments to accommodate what I had on hand and what some people in this house, ahem, The Dad, won't eat.

Here's the recipe with my notes:

Apple 'N Cheddar Tuna Pitas

2 cans or pouches (5 oz each) tuna, drained
1/3 C mayo (I'm team Miracle Whip)
1/4 C finely chopped celery
1/4 C diced apple
1/4 C dried cranberries
1/4 C coarsely chopped walnuts (I used pecans)
2 Tbsp finely chopped red onion (I sliced it for my own sammie)
2 8-inch whole wheat pita pocket breads, halved (I used marble rye)
4 slices Cheddar, cut up (I sliced it since I was using regular bread)

Combine all ingredients except bread (duh) in a medium bowl.

Evenly stuff pita breads with tuna mixture or, do like I did and assemble your sandwich.

We had ours with chips and sliced apples.

I love, love, love the combo of dried cranberries, apples and nuts.
I love it in salad.  I love it in stuffing.  I love it in oatmeal.
You get the idea.  This sammie had my name all over it.
It did not disappoint.


  1. I love a good tuna sandwich, your tuna salad sounds delicious, I love all the extra things you added!

    Mal @ The Chic Geek

  2. I am Team Miracle Whip too. I don't understand mayo frankly - never knew it existed until I was in high school and by then I was already addicted to Miracle Whip. This sandwich sounds great - awesome combo.

    Just a thought, but maybe you should post your menu plan so we can all copy it. :)

  3. Such a great way to save money and eat healthy. Yum!


  4. Mmm, looks yummy! I make a very similar chicken salad with red grapes, instead of the cranberries. But I'm totally trying this tuna salad this weekend. Thanks for the recipe - I'm pinning!

  5. im all over that cross section... .yum does that look good... never thought to pair those three together.... it's on my list!

  6. This looks great - I'm really trying to look at our food budget and lower it a little each month. Honestly the one who gives me the most crap about it is my husband. He loves to eat out and doesn't always choose something healthy as a first choice - but I've got us down $300 each month for the last 3 months

  7. Hi there, this is a really nice post about fish/seafood. It would be great if you linked to it in my Food on Friday series. This week it is about all things fishy and seafoody. Food on Friday

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