Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life Snippets #30

I came across another set of snow day photos.  I'm tellin' ya, we were locked in for DAYS.

Lucky for us, we've got a handful of friends within walking distance.
This particular morning, we did Bloody Mary's, with all the fixin's.

People came and went, then we ended up with a crew in the evening hours.
I pulled all the leftovers out, from the previous few days, and fed the clan.
Nothin' like using 'clean out the fridge night' to feed your friends.

A furry bromance.

The kids disappeared into the bathroom for a pop up salon.
I crept in with my camera.
I have no clue how they all fit in there.

A little later in the month, we celebrated The Kid's "real" birthday with a portion of the same group.
It was a week night, so once The Dad got home from work, he got to open presents.

I had the table set for company.

Patiently waiting.

I always cook whatever they want for their birthdays, and this year he requested The Dad's cabbage rolls.
I made mashed potatoes, green beans, and biscuits to go with.

Our friends brought ice cream sandwiches for dessert.

And then he had to sit through the Happy Birthday song.

And that's it for family pics today.
I swear, I have a recipe that I've been planning to post since Christmas.
Clearly, this has been more Mommy blog than anything else for quite awhile.
I hate to break it to you, but Baby had a birthday, so there's more kid pics in the near future, as well.
But there are signs of life outside, so I'll be out there with my camera before you know it.


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