Friday, June 2, 2017

The Backyard: 6/1/17

Well hello there!  I know, it's been a minute.  Lots goin' on 'round these parts.  We're nearing the end of baseball season, so we might actually get our weekends back.  Just in time to sell our house and enter the land of Crazytown.  The goal was to list May 18th, but we pushed it out to June 1st.  Now we've pushed it out to June 8th.  Fingers crossed we can cross everything off of the to-do list by next Thursday.  Fingers crossed.

I think I mentioned having to emotionally detach from the yard this year, which I've done, but that led to a lack of photo taking.
In my head, they're not my plants anymore.
It's not my space anymore.
That being said, it was overcast yesterday morning and while I was out with my cup of coffee, I decided on a whim I should grab my camera.
This is a, wordless, walk around the backyard.



  1. I know what you mean about mentally detaching from your garden. It's the only way to deal with the impending changes. Still, it all looks so beautiful. Did your Eucalyptus stay outside all winter? Mine did and survived. No new growth yet but considering how much I neglected it, it's a wonder it's alive at all. Are you seeing any life on your Cannas yet? Also, what is the bright red Clemmy? I love it. Beautiful garden, Mindy. Someone is going to be really lucky to inherit such a beautiful oasis.

  2. OMG! It is so beautiful and I know you've removed things.

  3. Yowza - hope whoever buys your house has the stamina for garden maintenance. Hee!

  4. So beautiful and I'm happy you posted pictures even though you're detaching. I went through the same thing last year when we sold our home where I had gardened for 19 years. This year I'm starting over and I'm exhausted. My only regret is that I didn't bring enough of my plants from the old place. Good luck!

  5. I just read this and had to go back and read about what you are up to. I'm envious of your clematis- you have so many pretty ones! I have a feeling your home will sell very quickly. When our son lived in Portland it only took 3 days to sell. The housing market was so active they had to wait a good while for the appraisal to be done for the buyer but it all worked out in the end. I wish you well on this new adventure. Schools and personal safety are terribly important. It's too bad we have to think about such things when we send our kids to school. I've followed you for many years and always enjoyed your gardens. I hope when a buyer comes along that they embrace your gardens and love your home as you have.

  6. I know what you mean about mentally detaching from your garden.

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