Friday, January 20, 2012

The Baby's Room: Put A Bird On It

I drug the sewing machine out again.  You'd think I would have learned my lesson by now.  I think my problem is I always assume something will be easier than it actually is.  For me anyway.

I had a stuffed bird pattern and thought I'd whip out a few little ones to make a mobile for over the changing table.  After the first one, I knew it wasn't gonna work out.  It looked more like a bird of prey than the cute, fat little sparrow I was after.  I found this tutorial online and tried it instead.

First, I attempted to make it smaller.  After six, yes six, of them turning out looking more like dinosaurs with no feet rather than birds, I tried making it the original size.  It was getting closer.  I tweaked it a bit more and got what I wanted.  Sort of.

It was waaaay cuter in my head, but it will work.  Baby won't care that their heads are a little lumpy or that their tails are all different.  I put bells inside one, a rattle inside another, and a squeaky thing out of a dog toy that The Dog destroyed in the third.  So they all make some sort of noise to distract Baby when it I'm trying to change diapers.  :o)

I made a hoop out of wire and wrapped it with ribbon for suspending them from.

Here's Baby's, "they kind of look like birds" mobile.


  1. Ha, you're a little hard on yourself girl! They're cute! And nothing in life is perfect.

  2. I think they're cute! Baby will love them.

  3. LOL - they look like birds, you nut. I really like your fabric choice (and your ambition).

  4. Oh I love them!!! I think they look fabulous, and how stinking creative to put noise makers inside :)

  5. They're cute...and I love the fabrics you used. Green and white toile? Ahhh, be still my heart!

  6. Are you kidding me, Rindy??? They are precious and you did a great job on them. I know that baby's room is going to be sooo sweet.

  7. love those! looks like the room is coming along nicely!


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