Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ramble Alert

That title is a warning.  No pictures, lots of talking.

So, apparently, I can't do it all.  Damn it all to hell.  I officially do not have enough hours in my day to get it all done.  Who knew.

We've been going and doing, school has started, a wind and rain storm destroyed the yard and I have no desire to do a thing about it, the house is a shit pile, Mom Club is here tomorrow, we're leaving in three days, all the clothes are dirty, The Cat is sick (again), the fruit flies are taking over the house, I ran out of wine (good thing we live in the city), The Kid has what feels like 18 doctor's appointments this month (really it's only two and one dentist), I have a doctor's appointment, the girls have dentist appointments, the glass door of my oven is gross (how in the hell do you clean between the two pieces of glass!!??), Baby smeared purple frosting all over my dining room rug and someone else smeared it all over the bathroom wall and light switch (thanks for the cupcakes, neighbor), I find myself counting to three a dozen times a day, there's a giant pile of crap in the hallway that needs to be hauled to the attic via pull-down stairs (why are we keeping it?!),  yay, homework fights!, the baseboards are constantly filthy, I vacuum at least three times a day, why are there fall crafts everywhere already???!!!!, I'm tired and ready for bed at 7:00 every night, The Dad and I had an AWESOME 11th anniversary weekend (once a month sleepovers for the kids seem necessary after that), I have a zillion photos to go through/edit/turn into posts, I have a stupid amount of unread blog posts in my reader, I have a backlog of unanswered emails in my inbox, I have a three-year old who has a meltdown every time I ask her to clean something up, I found an ungodly amount of random shit under my living room rug today, I need a shower, apparently (according to my children) 40 is old and 30 is young, I spent the ENTIRE day cooking and cleaning, yet would be embarrassed if someone walked into the house right now (how do they destroy it in such a short amount of time?!?!), it's 7:41, which means time for me to read and snuggle with three kids......

Before I go, this is the one lone photo of the two of us from our two-day anniversary celebration.  We're sitting at the same table, in the same bar, as the photo from last year.

I'll be back at some point......


  1. Moral of the story: Take time for yourself. You will be happier and so will your husband and kids! You have all the makings of a perfectionist over-achiever striving for impossibilities. I recommend a nap (as does your cat!)

  2. Happy anniversary Mindy. When the kids are little, there are many days like these..I was hoping things would get better as they get bigger. Mine are 16, 13, and 10..and still the house looks like a mess an hour after it's been cleaned. LOL Luckily, I'm not the only one that cleans, they are all responsible for helping. Hope today will be a better one for you! :)

  3. I think we all feel that way for sure. I know I do!

  4. Aw, big hugs my lady. Sounds like you need them (plus a maid, a chef, a sommelier, and what the heck, a gardener as well).

  5. Ha ha ha, didn't your older ones just go back to school? We had a guy come over last night and he asked how I kept my house so clean. And the whole time I was getting the house spruced up, I was worried about all the wool my new rug sheds everywhere and the little places here and there that need to be dusted. You've got three kids and you are very busy lady! All of us moms have had times when it looks like toys r us threw up in the house. As long as it doesn't stink... it is all good. Have a great week, Mindy!

  6. Happy Anniversary. As for the rest of it that's the glory of being a mom :-) I also agree with what Beth said.

  7. I feel your pain!!! I too have been overwhelmed as hell lately. Just got done giving a rant to the family about how I am the ONLY one trying to keep our house cleaned. Ugh. Oh no what happened to the yard? How bad is it? That's awesome you guys got to have a 2 day anniversary 😃. Happy Anniversary. At the end of the month we are celebrating our 13the anniversary. Where are you guys going.....in your rant you said your leaving for 3 days?

  8. I feel your pain!!! I too have been overwhelmed as hell lately. Just got done giving a rant to the family about how I am the ONLY one trying to keep our house cleaned. Ugh. Oh no what happened to the yard? How bad is it? That's awesome you guys got to have a 2 day anniversary 😃. Happy Anniversary. At the end of the month we are celebrating our 13the anniversary. Where are you guys going.....in your rant you said your leaving for 3 days?

  9. Happy Anniversary, Mindy! Such a sweet picture of you and your hubby. As I read your post I found myself nodding in agreement with much of what you wrote. It's been one of those weeks here too. Truthfully it started in August! LOL

  10. Happy Anniversary!!!!! And ditto, ditto, ditto, my friend. Every corner of my house looks like a shit storm hit it. I don't even know why I clean the kitchen.

  11. Happy 11th Anniversary to you and your husband, Mindy!
    I've been out of the blog loop for several weeks. I had to take some time 'off' to spend quality time with my kids and family, and tend to medical needs. August flew by, and then my kids started school. I'm still not sure where Summer went this year.
    Your post made me wish we were neighbors so that I could invite you over for a cup of coffee and a relaxing visit.
    I love and appreciate your honesty . . . "I can't do it all."
    When I feel myself putting too much UN-NEEDED pressure on myself - then I let go of lower priority things.
    I, too, appreciate a clean house. And when I feel like I'm getting overwhelmed with laundry, cleaning, sorting, grocery shopping, gardening, paying bills, caring for 3 little ones, making and cleaning up after meals, I make it a point to STOP everything and take time to re-group. It's much easier to tackle 'life' when I'm not overwhelmed.
    I hope that you're able to take some time for yourself to rest, relax, READ A BOOK, and do what brings you happiness!
    It's so funny to me how we (wives/mothers/bloggers) put so much pressure on ourselves. We really need to stop doing that!!
    Anyway, I hope you and your family have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
    Looking forward to reading your posts again when you come back rested :0)
    Sending big hugs!

  12. Wow, was this post a blast from the past, or what? I used to be you! That was my life. Constantly behind the eight ball and never, ever caught up. It can really suck the joy out of life. Being married to a great guy really helps, doesn't it? Amidst the daily chaos, the contrast of your anniversary oasis sounds wonderful and well-deserved! Take care my friend.

  13. Oh how I hear you! Although the specifics of your life differ from the specifics in mine, it can all just get so f-in insane! You get to a point of just 'freezing' and becoming immobilized from being slammed from all angles. At least that seems to be how I handle it . . . and probably it's not very healthy approach/reaction. Hang in there Mindy, slow down, take a break, be kind and gentle to yourself and DO take care of yourself!


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