Monday, June 20, 2016

The Front Yard: 6/16/16

As threatened, I went out front with the camera last week.

I'll start on the side of the porch, where the old laundry room sink is.

Lady's Mantle in full bloom.



Looking toward the back.

The Pansies are still happy.

As is the bird seed, that's sprouting everywhere.

Bloomin' Hostas.

A fun Campanula that I adopted last year.

The red Lilies from The Dad are beyond beautiful this year.

Hebe and Veronica.

One of my favorite Phlox has buds, but it's COVERED in mildew.
Like, every single leaf, below where the picture cuts off, is completely white.
I don't know what to do, other than strip the stems.
So infuriating.

Looking over the fence to the parking strip.

The first flowers on the Chilean Glory Vine 'Pink Champagne', aka, Eccremocarpus.

I just adopted this one at the last plant swap.
It was new to me.
Teucrium hircanicum.

And last, the kitchen window box.

Parking strip and driveway posts comin' up next.


  1. So lush and lovely! It looks fantastic, Mindy!

  2. I had to move our bird feeders under the big fir tree so that the seed wouldn't sprout in our new lawn. Love all the pretty greens in your yard.


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