Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Dahlias: 8/2/16

I thought it might be fun to do a post on a single plant, rather than the usual selected area.  It's August, after all, and Dahlias are having their moment.

It wasn't planned, but I have them in every area of the yard, including the parking strip.
The driveway is the only place one hasn't found a home yet.
I'll start out back.
This white one came from my mom a few years ago.

There's only one other one in the back.
My sister brought it back from Amsterdam.
It isn't blooming yet, but I'm pretty excited that it has its first bud.

Out front, I have this hand-me-down from my mom's house.
I don't know if there were two bulbs mixed in originally, or what, but every year there are two different flowers.

This was a $2 Winco bulb, called 'Blue Bell.'

The last one in the front yard is called, 'Curly Q.', as you will see why.

 It starts out looking like a spider Dahlia, then the petals all curl into themselves.
Pretty fun.

I moved 'Otto's Thrill', another Winco bulb, from the backyard, down to the parking strip this spring.
It wasn't getting enough sun where it was at, so it was getting upwards of eight feet tall every year.
He's muuuuch happier in his new home.

I have a second one down there, but it doesn't even have buds yet.
Not sure what's goin' on.
And that's it from my yard, BUT, I yard crashed our neighbor's new garden across the street.
They tore out all their sod in the front yard and parking strip this spring, and put in a ton of pretty Dahlias, among other things, so I had to zip over with my camera.

This cute little pom pom is one of my faves.

This one looks like the sun.

This one is so dang pretty, it almost doesn't even look real.

I like the spider one, too.

Another fave.
I love the dark foliage.

And, just because I couldn't resist.
I love this.

And that's it for Dahlia day.
Aren't they pretty?!


  1. They're amazing. My 'Otto's Thrill' is ridiculously tall too. I think you must be rubbing off on your neighbors. I love that they're making a garden.

  2. I think they are all beautiful but I especially like the Curly Q! I like how it's so different and evolves as it matures (just like us humans do!).

  3. Nice - so many different forms and colors - you can go crazy and never repeat yourself.

  4. I love Dahlias, and yours are all so pretty. Your neighbor's too. I stupidly planted mine in inaccessible spots, where they are shaded by taller plants, so I can't see them if/when they do flower, and they aren't getting enough sun to flower as well. Maybe some day I'll move them.

  5. You have a great collection of beautiful dahlias. I have never planted any, but am now thinking next year I will.

    Your post brought to mind my Mom and the dahlias that she grew. Mom used to grow several different colors and types of dahlias. When her dahlias were all in bloom each year during my grade school years she would send me to school with a huge bouquet of giant, beautifully colored dahlias for my teacher. The teacher was always amazed and I was always so proud that my Mom had grown them.

  6. You and your neighbor have some gorgeous dahlias. The kids and I went to have lunch at a farm stand yesterday and they had a huge field of dahlias to cut. They were so beautiful and there were dahlias in shapes and colors I never would've thought I'd like but I loved them.


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