Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The End Of August In The Parking Strip

I'm gonna say that all my new trial plants down in no man's land earned their keep this season.  The only big disappointment was the artichoke.  And that's been in there for at least three years.  I dunno what happened, but it only got two this year, and the plant itself never did much of anything.  I'm tempted to yank it.

But the things I didn't have high hopes for, like my clearance rack delphinium, did great.  It put off a second surprise set of blooms that I'm super excited about.  I hope it makes it through winter. They're so dang pretty.

I wasn't sure how Phlox would do down there, but my mom gave me a piece of one of hers this spring, so I stuck it in as a trial run.
I'd say it thrived.

Remember when I was so excited to find that my Chocolate Cosmos overwintered and was coming, and then it turned out to be a random Aster?
Well guess what?  The Cosmos did make it.  It had just been swallowed up by that dang Aster.
It took all summer for it to find its way out.

I planted two new Echinops 'Veitch's Blue' bulbs this spring and the plants came up, but didn't do much.
Well looky what I found.
I've never grown them, so I'm anxious to see what they do.

The 'Goldsturm' Rudbeckia in this photo is a piece I got off the main plant earlier in the season.
It's a happy camper.

I bought this plant on clearance just a couple weeks ago.
I had never heard of it, so I'm anxious to see what it does next year.
Amsonia 'Blue Ice.'

I've always put a Pineapple Sage down here, but this year I tried a new variety.
This one doesn't get as big and its leaves are more of a limey green, my favorite.
A 'Magnus' Echinacea is in front of it.
I moved a piece of it this spring and it's FINALLY doing something.

And last, I have another mystery plant.
I have no idea where it came from and no clue what it is.
I'll let you identify it for me.

It's cute, whatever it is.
And that's it for the parking strip update.
Oh, I do have another plant down there that I put in last year that I wanted to mention.
Or, Lychnis viscaria 'Passion.'
I haven't taken any pictures of it this year 'cause it hasn't done a dang thing.
It's just sitting there.  Green.  No flowers.
It was supposed to bloom in early summer.
Am I doing something wrong?

Shameless plug alert:  
Just a little reminder that you can purchase my floral photographs in my Etsy shop.
If you see one in a post that isn't in the shop, shoot me an email and I'd be more than happy to list it for ya.
The Dad will thank you for helping to support my plant addiction.

Please see my sidebar for the parties I link up to.


  1. I can't help you with the purple flower but I can tell you that you are doing nothing wrong with the Lychnis. It is a biennial like foxglove. It grows foliage the first year and has flowers in the second year. You will find it to be quite the prolific self-seeder. The seedlings hate to be moved so I'd collect the seed and sow it only where you want it.
    I think you will like the Echinops 'Veitch's Blue'. It gets quite large though. Bees adore it!

  2. So so beautiful, Mindy!
    The sun shining on all your flowers really makes them pop with color. My favorites are the brown-eyed Susans (they're a FAVORITE of mine!) paired with the little blue daisies. So pretty . . . and reminds me of late Summer, early Fall.
    Gorgeous, as always!
    Have a great week,

  3. If you cute your delphinium bloom stalks to the ground after they are down, you should get a 2nd late flush of blooms. Your mystery plant is a form of liatrus I think. Your hell strip plantings were super successful and congrats on the chocolate cosmos - I have NEVER had one over winter.

  4. Chocolate Cosmos always seems to vanish over winter in my garden, I think it gets too wet for it most years. How nice that yours stayed around, it is a lovely plant.

  5. Oh lucky you getting a second set of blooms on the delphiniums! Love the white phlox- so puffy and pretty! That's a pretty colored Cosmos- I've not seen that one before. I hope it comes back for you! I cut my delphiniums off after they bloom and stick the flower stem on the ground in case the seeds till do something. In fact I'm pretty lazy about my blooms- I often let them drop right at the base of the plant with the hope that it will ensure more plants next year.


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