Remember my free curbside pot?
I put it on the porch and stuck in some kale, a mum, and some pansies.
I dug my Blood Grass out of the parking strip, 'cause it acted like it was wantin' to be a naughty spreader down there, and stuck a piece of it in the middle.
I don't know if it didn't like the move, or if this is what it does this time of year, but it's browning up really bad. It'll come back fine, I'm sure, and the brown kinda goes with the October theme.
This is my first time ever growing ornamental kale, and I was not happy to see this.
This one is covered in aphids.
I stuck another mum, kale, and pansy down in a pot that had impatiens in it.
And here are just some shots around the yard.
Our peppers in the old sink did well this year.
The Thai peppers are so pretty.
And that's it for the yard pics for today.
Shameless plug alert:
Just a little reminder that you can purchase my floral photographs in my Etsy shop.
If you see one in a post that isn't in the shop, shoot me an email and I'd be more than happy to list it for ya.
The Dad will thank you for helping to support my plant addiction.
The Dad will thank you for helping to support my plant addiction.
Please see my sidebar for the parties I link up to.
Please see my sidebar for the parties I link up to.
I bet the Dad loves your plant addiction. I enjoy seeing it, too! xo Diana