Monday, August 3, 2015

Life Snippets #20

I have A LOT of pictures from July that fall into the Life Snippets category.  I'll break them up into more than one post.  Let's do kids first.

They went through a short phase where they played with dolls all day long. Don't ask me.  All I know is, it kept the fighting to a minimum.  Well, we'll just say there was less fighting. Mostly, the girls wanted to play house, and The Kid wanted to launch babies.  Or make them wrestle each other.  Good old fashioned fun, folks.  I got out my camera one of the afternoons to capture them in the act.  
By the way, they named one of the dolls Fetcha.

I know, it's a lot of pictures of the same thing.
But I have more.  :)

Annnd, one of the many daily meltdowns from Baby.
"They're being MEAN."

This girl, own drummer.

Tata for now.


  1. Poor Baby! As the youngest of three siblings I know exactly how she feels.

  2. Yes my daughter does the same thing. She has 2 older brothers so 99.9% of the time in her eyes they are definitely being mean.

  3. Yes my daughter does the same thing. She has 2 older brothers so 99.9% of the time in her eyes they are definitely being mean.

  4. Yes my daughter does the same thing. She has 2 older brothers so 99.9% of the time in her eyes they are definitely being mean.

  5. Yes my daughter does the same thing. She has 2 older brothers so 99.9% of the time in her eyes they are definitely being mean.

  6. We endured about 12 years of fighting. After that, it got suspiciously quiet. Now they just stare into a screen. Sad to say, but I almost miss all the fighting... At least then you knew they were around...

    1. Awwww, it's so funny how you miss the different stages, but ONLY once you're removed from them. ;)

  7. You (them as well) will adore these photos when they're older :)


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