Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Third Week Of July In The Garden: The Front Yard

I'm gonna have to split last week's yard photos into two posts.  My camera is home, so there's a lot.  We'll do front yard/backyard, how 'bout that?

I'll start with a dahlia, 'cause the fact that they're starting to bloom, pretty much confirms that summer is here.

I have three phlox out front.
A hot pink from my grandma's yard, a purple that I bought a few years ago, and a pure white called 'David', that my mom just gave me a start of this spring.

I put a new purple penstemon in this spring.

I always have to plant some annual blue salvia.

The orange crocosmia is blooming now.

The Gentian is just starting.

The red climbing rose got its second wind.

The shade plants under the big tree seem happy, even with the heat.

The 'Autumn Joy' sedum has buds.

Down in the parking strip, the Chocolate Cosmos are blooming, as well as my new Cheyenne Echinacea.

I put this Rudbeckia in last year and it seems to enjoy the neglect.

The parking strip Mallow tree is also bloomin' its little heart out.

I'm trying tomatoes in pots for the first time this year.
I've got 'em in the driveway where it's hot, hot, hot.
So far, so good.

Along the side of the house, I planted two different types of eggplant.
One has flowers and the other has babies comin'.
In between the two, the Echinacea is blooming.
Cram 'em in where ya can, right?

Here are some recent shots of that whole side of the house.
It's south facing, but because of the fence, the left side is shade until late afternoon and the right side is full sun all day.
Makes for an interesting place to garden.

And last, the old laundry room sink is producing The Dad's hot peppers again.
I've put them in there four years in a row now.
I've also got sweet peas and a morning glory that came up and I didn't have the heart to pull it.

So there ya have it.
The backyard pics will be comin' soon.

Please see my sidebar for the parties I link up to.


  1. I see you're enjoying a bounty of beautiful blooms too! Your phlox look great- I wish I could smell them! I love that old sink and window- very col. My morning glories have climbed to the top of the arbor but no flowers just yet. I enjoyed seeing your blooms! Thx for being a faithful follower on my blog!

  2. I can't believe how many plants are in your garden! I love your dahlia popping over the fence & I really love chocolate cosmos - fun flower for kids.

  3. Too many beauties to pick a favorite. The heat doesn't seem to be affecting your garden!

  4. Wow these flowers are out of this world!!
    what my mother in law wouldnt do to have a garden like that. But I truly believe that gardening is a talent, and her ass deff doesnt have that talent! heheh

  5. Everything looks so lush and beautiful in your garden, Mindy. I love the volunteers--so pretty! Your veggies are looking great as well.

  6. Your garden is so plentiful!!! Beautiful!

  7. I know this post is from almost a year ago, but I stumbled upon it and when it comes to your gardening/flower posts......I Anyways, my question is, the tree that is flowering, you called it a mallow tree. The flowers look exactly like my hibiscus trees. I have never even heard of a mallow tree. Are they related to the hibiscus trees? I swear you introduce me to new flowers and trees.....all the time! :)

    1. Ha - thanks Karie! I like looking back at old posts anyway, as a reminder of what blooms when and what did well. So this was a good look back for me, too. :)

      Boy, maybe the trees are the same? I don't know why I call it a Mallow tree, someone must have told me what it was. There's one in the parking strip, as well, and they were both here when I bought the house. I'll have to Google Image both names and see what comes up in photos.

    2. Hibiscus is in the mallow (Malvaceae) family.

  8. desgraciadamente no sè idioma inglès

  9. Great read, thanks for sharing this


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