Monday, November 21, 2011

Caramel Apple Waffles

How is it Monday already?

When The Kid crawled out of bed yesterday morning, the first thing out of his mouth was, I want waffles for breakfast.  Well good morning to you, too.

I didn't use a recipe, I just started out with your basic baking mix waffles.  Mix, eggs and milk.  Then I added cinnamon, allspice, cardamon, vanilla and a chopped up Granny Smith apple.  For the caramel, I had some leftover sauce in the fridge from this recipe.  I'm not typically a sweets for breakfast person, but these were friggin' good.  And so simple.

We had ours with scrambled eggs and sausage.

Here's breakfast on my plate:

Now I'm going to go have a small mental breakdown/anxiety attack over the fact that it's Thanksgiving week and my Christmas to-do's aren't organized in my head.  
Let alone on paper.
This is me going to have a date with a legal pad and a ball point pen.....


  1. I almost was going to laugh at your anxiety,.....but I subverted it. Now I'm just thinking about the waffles. Mmmmmm,....waffles.

  2. YUMMMY - these look AMAZING.. LOVELY recipe.. I am your newest stalker.. Marilyn via and stopping to say hello.. Lovely and creative blog you have here, hope you can stop in and visit me sometime.. WIshing you an amazing start to your weekend.. : ))

  3. The Dad over here made caramel apple pancakes last weekend and they were DIVINE!! Great minds think alike, huh?


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