Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Potato Slabs

I'm doin' a pretty good job of crossing things off of my Pinterest food boards.  Last night I made country-style ribs for dinner with corn on the cob, so I decided to try out a potato recipe from my Side Dishes board to go with it.

These were so simple and so delicious.  They'd make a fun appetizer for Game Day. 

Not a single one of my "on my plate" pictures turned  out.  Which is REALLY frustrating when you're wanting to share something in a post.  So I'll attach the picture from Pinterest that sold me in the first place.

Here they are, coming together at my house:

Seasoned up.

Out of the oven.

Doctored up with the goodies.
(The only change I made to the recipe was using bacon bits.  I REALLY didn't feel like cooking bacon.)

Okay, I changed my mind.
I'll use these terrible photos to prove I actually made and ate them.

The whole dinner was yummy.
I seasoned up the ribs with salt, pepper and a ton of garlic powder and then baked them at 350, covered, for an hour.
I doused them in BBQ sauce and put them back in the oven, covered again, for about another 45 minutes. 
The Dad threw them on the grill along with the corn.  
BTW, the corn on the cob was the biggest I've ever seen.  
We each only ate half they were so big.
Except The Kid.  He ate his half and what was left of The Girl's.
It was amazingly good.  We didn't put a drop of anything on it.

Here's really bad pictures of dinner on my plate:

Mmmm, cheesy.
Click here for the recipe.

On a side-note, is anyone planning on watching X Factor?
 Friend's of ours suggested having a viewing party every week, so tonite is round one at our house.
We'll see if the first episode sucks us in and makes us addicts.


  1. Your pictures are good enough to make me hungry, even after eating a full supper.

  2. Those remind me of potato skins which I use to get for my meal when I worked at a sports bar/ restaurant in college. They were so good. I don't think I've had any since college. I think I need to make these.

  3. Looks good. I make those and call them potato skins. :) Just like you I use bacon bits.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  4. i think that even the tater hater hubby would love these!

  5. I seriously need to come eat at your house - i would be all over those potatoes, might even push the boy out of the way for them. Maybe not.


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