Thursday, June 21, 2012

Operation Shared Bedroom: The Reveal

It's about time, right?

If you're new here, I started this project in November of last year.  We decided to create a shared room for our two older kids, in order to make room for Baby's nursery.   Our son was not the least bit excited about getting kicked out of his room to move into a "girl's room".  To lighten the blow, I removed all things pink and attempted to make it as unisex as possible without spending a ton of money on new things.

I took pictures of the finished room the day before going to the hospital to have Baby.  That was over four months ago.  I wasn't in love with how they turned out, so I was gonna try to get some better ones.  Who am I kidding?  The room will NEVER be that clean again.

Climbing up to the top bunk at nine months pregnant in an attempt to get a few of the pictures was an interesting feat, let me tell ya.  It's a wonder I'm not still up there hollerin' for help to get down.

To see the posts leading up to the finished room, click here.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I originally painted the stripes on the wall when preparing the room for The Girl's nursery.  I found the old paint swatches, so opted to buy a couple quarts and touch up the walls, rather than paint the whole room again.

The dresser was one I found at a junk store when I was pregnant with The Kid.  I had fixed it up and painted it white for his nursery.  This time around, I went with a blue-grey, using leftover paint from our hallway.

The window over the dresser was the freebie I had hanging over The Girl's play kitchen we built.
The hardest part of moving them into one room was trying to cram two kid's belongings into one space.
Unfortunately, the kitchen had to move to the attic.
I hope to find a space for it before she's in high school.

The bulletin board was also already in The Girl's room.  
It was covered in pink flowery fabric, so I recovered it using leftover fabric from The Kid's duvet cover.

I made room for both of their toy benches.
The Girl's remained the same. 
I recovered the seat of The Kid's (which was mine as a kid) with coordinating fabric.
(Which will need to be done again because, as you can see, a little girl decided to do some reupholstering herself, and went after it with some scissors.)

I made new curtains and put a shelf over the window for some of The Kid's things.

The bookshelf The Dad made stayed.  
The stuff on the top ledge and the pictures on the wall are a combination of both of their things.

My brother-in-law made them the bamboo banks for Christmas.
They're so cool. 
He carved each of their names in them.

The closet is one space, but it has two doors.
Each kid got a side and over each door is a shelf with more of their things.

Remember the coveted armoire?
I told you I'd find a home for it.
I spent a stupid amount of time sanding and painting it.
 The doors had a pattern routed out on the front of them, that I thought dated it.
So I flipped the doors, putting that to the inside.
On the opposite side, now the outside, we trimmed them out for more of a shaker-style.

The Dad made two real drawers where the false drawers were, and now it houses The Kid's folded clothes and all their project stuff.

I used bins they already had in their individual rooms.

 Tin cans covered in scrapbook paper hold all the art odds and ends.

The biggest project in the room was the bunk beds.
We could have found some cheap metal ones on Craig's List, but, of course, The Mom didn't want that.
The Mom wanted the Pottery Barn ones that were over $1000 dollars.
Well, I wanted the look of them, but not the price.  
Even if they had been in the budget, that just seems ridiculous.
So I whined and begged and pleaded to The Dad to build them for me.
And he did.
'Cause he rocks.

We still need to find the right sized plugs to cover the bolt holes, but other than that, they're D.O.N.E.!
He made them so that they'll come apart to make two twin beds.
The top bunk's head and footboard panels are both shorter than the bottom bunk's, so as individual beds, one of them would become the bottom bunk's footboard.
The bottom bunk's footboard would become the top bunk's headboard.

The Girl is on the bottom, The Kid is up top.

The wall mount lamps and shelves are something I already had.

So there ya have it.
Problem solved.
A room fit for a six year old boy and a four year old girl.
Who says you can't have five people living in a three bedroom house?
It's functioning better than I had hoped and the two of them being roomies is old hat at this point.
In two years or so, we can give The Kid his own room back and Baby can move in with The Girl.
She's looking forward to graduating to the top bunk. 
I'm looking forward to hauling all the girly stuff out of the attic.

Please see my left side bar for links to all the places I party.


  1. I love everything about this room! It's perfect for a boy and a girl! Love all the furniture and the gallery wall is super cute! The shelves over the doors are such a great idea of what otherwise would be just wasted space. Oh, and the quilts are both very lovely, too! Great job, mama!!

  2. That bedroom is SO CUTE!!! Excellent work. :)

  3. I hate it when you do this to me. You post a bunch of pictures of a great room and I have to pick only one or two of them to comment about, ugh! You're so not fair. Tell the kids that I think their room looks better than Laneys (sorry, lil' Laney). Seriously, Mom, you outdid yourself on this one. And the Dad did a great job on the bunk beds. Loving the bluish gray paint, BTW. I'll send over some of my furniture for you to paint in that color. K?

  4. This is great! We are fortunate enough to have a bedroom for the two grandkids (3 and almost 5) when they come over, which I would like to fix up -- but I've always been flummoxed by one being a boy and one a girl -- and everything at Target and elsewhere being so boy or girl and not blending easily. You've given me some ideas. Thanks!

  5. Mindy, the room looks awesome! I really love the stripes, the shelves over the doorways, that cool homemade bookshelf on the wall, and the curtains. Way to beautifully incorporate two kids into one space!

  6. Holy cow, I can't believe he made those beds!!! Amazing! What a great shared space. And I absolutely adore all the vintage elements. Perfect room Mindy! And, that cracks me up you climbed up there 9 mths pregnant :D

  7. such a versatile room with so many cute details! I am bookmarking this for our growing family-). Look forward to following along! Found you on Say G-day link up!

  8. Came out so cute and glad you didn't have to have the baby in the top bunk! Believe it or not, we had 5 people living in a 2 bedroom house. My three kids shared a room for years! Found your post at Nifty Thrifty Sunday. Stop over and see me at Quirky Vistas!

  9. Wow, you did a wonderful job creating this unisex room. I love every little detail! Great photos too-I'm glad you didn't injure yourself on the bunk beds!

    I was so glad you linked up and was thrilled to hear from you. It sounds like life is busy but fun-just the way it should be!

    Thanks so much for sharing this post at my Say G'day linky party! This week's linky is now live and I am very excited to invite you to a Social media linky party that I will be hosting on July 14. The details are all at the blog if you would like to join in.

    Best wishes for a wonderful weekend,
    Natasha in Oz

  10. lucky kids... i shared a room with my sister my whole childhood life... and didnt look as near as neat as that! great work on the bunk beds dad!

  11. Oh Mindy! What a lovely room! Great job! I love each detail.
    The nursery is so cute too, are those rattles old ones?
    And very nice garden too. Yes!! I've been visiting all your house and I'm just beginning with your beautiful blog.
    Besos from Argentina, Silvina.

  12. You did such a fabulous job! I love every well thought our detail! What a cute momma you are!

  13. This a great post! I enjoyed reading it.

    I think this article could complement your post.

    Good luck with your future piece :)


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