Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Columbine Is Blooming!

 I only have one, but it's holding its own.  Today, it's my favorite flower in the yard.

Here are a few more that are starting to make an appearance out front.

Wood Sorrel


And a couple that are putting on a show to remind me of why I love them.



Have a good holiday weekend!

"We're all attempting to share something with another human being."  -- U2


  1. gorgeous pictures! That columbine is so pretty:) Your blog is lovely. Have a great holiday weekend!!

  2. I love columbine! I remember it growing at my grandparent's cabin when I was growing up. So pretty! Great pictures too!

  3. Thanks so much for linking up at The Garden Party!

    Your columbine is so pretty. It looks like a lady standing on a beach with her hair blowing back in the breeze. :)

  4. aww your columbine is beautiful! i love them too! your other blooms are looking good!


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